Oiraon Behaviour
Although Oiraons as a whole are generally peaceful creatures, Oiraons living in different biomes may have different temperament. Due to the abundance of resources, forest and water Oiraons live in larger groups. They are hence more social and less aggressive as compared to the other Oiraons. Desert Oiraons are much less social as they normally live in burrows separate from the other Oiraons. Additionally, due to their smaller sizes, they would try to avoid encounters with the other Oiraons to prevent any fights. Arctic and mountain Oiraons are the most hostile and aggressive Oiraons due to the lack of resources in their territories. With their large size and thick coats, they are able to defend themselves well in a fight. Furthermore, with their powerful wings, they can easily travel long distances to expand their territories.
Oiraon Life Cycle:
Egg: As with their bird ancestors, Oiraon begin their life as an egg laid in a nest. Each Oiraon can lay up to 3 eggs at once. An egg will take around 6 months to hatch and require constant supervision and warmth from the parent Oiraons.
Hatchlings: Once Oiraons are hatched, hatchlings will be born with a full body of feathers, however these feathers are premature and they are not capable of flight yet. Hatchling feathers will be plain in colour and similar to that of their environment to help them better blend in and hide from predators. As they grow, hatchlings will shed their feathers once every year until they reach 10 years old and grow their full set of flight feathers, granting them flight abilities.
Teen: Teen Oiraons are between 10-20 years old, they will remain under their parents’ care until they reach adulthood. During which, teen Oiraons are very playful and mischievous creatures, they often play pranks on fellow Oiraons. Teen Oiraons will also be taught how to fly and socialize with other Oiraons by their parents or their tribe members.
Adult: Oiraons will be considered adults once they reach 20 years of age and have the choice of remaining in the tribe or leaving to form their own tribe with Oiraons from neighbouring areas. Adults take on full duties of hunting and caring for the tribe and have a lifespan of 90-110 years.
Elder: Elder Oiraons are Oiraons that are near the end of their lifespan. They are usually retired from any hunting or fighting duties, as they can no longer do physical-heavy work. They usually either mentor hatchlings in the tribe or take on more lax duties such as basic healing. They will be care for by their tribe as they can no longer hunt for themselves. While it is more common to see a larger number of elders in forest and water Oiraon tribes with their abundance of resources, it is much rarer in harsher biomes such as the Arctic or Desert. It is uncommon that Oiraons in these biomes are able to survive that long in these difficult biomes with limited resources.
Oiraons eat different food depending on the biome they live in, below are a list of the general food eaten by them. However, if an Oiraon is starving or far away from its habitat, it may choose to eat a different type of food in order to survive. Oiraon tribes with hunter Oiraons may also choose to bring down bigger prey animal in their biome with the expertise of the hunters.
Desert - Insects, snakes and small animals that they are able to catch. They may also dig out the roots or stems of plants to eat.
Water - Fish, prawns, jellyfish etc depending on the type of water they live near. Water Oiraon living near the sea would hunt saltwater fish whilst water Oiraon living near a river would catch freshwater fish.
Arctic - Fish and other smaller animals such as hare. They may occasionally choose to hunt larger animals like small whales, seals or sharks if they hunt in a group. Arctic Oiraons are also opportunists and will eat carrion if they are unable to find food.
Forest - Berries, nuts, seeds, fruits. Forest Oiraons diets are more plant-based, but, they may occasionally hunt large animals in a pack.
Mountain - Mountain Oiraons have the most diverse diet of all the Oiraons. As mountains can be located near a forest or ocean, mountain Oiraons will generally eat any small animals they can catch including fish and rodents, as well as medium sized animals such as mountain goats. They will also eat plants and even carrion when they are unable to catch any prey.
All Oiraons have the ability to fly and communicate in chirps once they reach adulthood, however, there are certain abilities unique to Oiraons of different biomes. Water Oiraons are able to hold their breath for hours underwater and have waterproof feathers (like ducks). Forest Oiraons are capable of a large range of sounds due to their more social life and can even mimic sounds of other animals to draw in prey or simply to toy with them. Desert Oiraons have a high resistance to venom to protect themselves against scorpions and snakes which are part of their diet. Mountain Oiraons have specialized feathers that allow them to fly silently to catch prey and avoid being noticed. Arctic Oiraon's calls and chirps can be heard for kilometres away as they often fly far away from one another in search of food, so this enables them to communicate with each other.