Oiraons are an ARPG closed species resembling dragon-like birds. All Oiraons have a beak, 2 long feathers on their head, wings and 4 legs (except if they exhibit certain mutations). They can come in 5 different body types corresponding to the biomes they live in, from small and slender to big and fluffy.
Millions of years ago...
In an alternate world, due to strange occurrences in the ocean, sea levels rose drastically in certain parts of the world resulting in a mass extinction event called "The Great Flood." Large tracts of land were swallowed by the sea and many large land animals living near to the ocean were either wiped out from the loss of habitat, or relocated further inland where the flood was in lessened affect. In the aftermath of the disaster, with lesser resources remaining on land, many animals underwent more intense competition for food and freshwater, resulting in new evolutionary adaptations and changes. Of the animals that remained, birds were able to thrive due to their flight ability to overcome the water barrier to access resources with greater ease and become the dominant species on the planet.
One particular species of seabirds thrived during the flood. They were a species of large-sized birds that possessed four legs instead of the traditional two seen in other birds. They were highly adaptable and used the flood to their advantage. With the addition of two extra limbs, they had greater maneuverability in both the water and land, making them apex predators in the new flood. They were also omnivorous, allowing them to survive when there was nothing to hunt. As many land animals moved inwards and many plant species died, some of these seabirds started to follow their prey inland, while others stayed. They became larger and more suited to their new habitats and continued to remain the apex predator for centuries.
Over the years, as water levels slowly resided, land arose once more. By now, these birds had evolved to become larger to fill the niche left behind by some of the extinct predators that were more sensitive to the flooding. They had spread across land, inhabiting biomes of all sorts, be it the land of the icy north or the vast forests. Each evolving with unique traits and anatomy suited to their habitat. This is the story and world of the Oiraons.
How to use this guide?
Please refer to the dropdown navigation bar at the top of the site for navigation. If you are on mobile, you may use the navigational menu on the top right hand corner of the header. The canonical story and lore of the species is ever growing and changing, so some information may be subject to change. If you have any questions, feel free to ask in our Discord server, or to DM our Instagram account.
To participate, you must be at least aged 13 and above. While we are normally a family-friendly species, we allow swearing and profanity to a degree in our server and there may be times where we delve into darker or more mature subjects such as death or violence in the lore.